Genevieve Chadwick

Every once in a while an artist emerges who touches the very soul of an audience. Genevieve Chadwick is such an artist.

Without doubt, Genevieve is an extraordinary performer who exudes raw energy by the bucket load. She has the power to bring an entire venue to a complete standstill.

Her own original brand of Blues and Roots – poignant songs full of rich melodies, sung with a voice that’s confoundingly gravel-like and smooth all at once – has given this singer/songwriter from the NSW South Coast a loyal and ever-growing army of followers.

In a breakthrough year, Genevieve was also selected as one of only three Australian artists to become part of the global Playing For Change music project, which in turn saw her play Bluesfest at Byron Bay and and support Joan Armatrading and Ben Caplin on their Australian sideshows.

“Genevieve Chadwick could quite easily be as big as John Butler. She looks like an angel, roars like a lion and plays guitar like a demon. She has the power within her to bring an entire venue to a complete standstill.” – Cath Butler, Editor of The Groove, BASEQ